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BBFW: sustainability and second chances


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BBFW is getting more sustainable

BBFW: sustainability and second chances. The event will promote its mission of providing comprehensive support, job placement for women at risk and being more environmental friendly.

Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week (BBFW) comes up with a new motto, it being “small actions generate big changes”. Between April 19 and 23, the event spreads that the fashion industry can be more sustainable.

For this reason, the bridal fashion show is committed to creating social value and reducing their environmental footprint.

Moreover, this commitment includes the agreement with the Ared Foundation, chaired by Judit Mascó. For context, she has been training, employing, and supporting women in precarious situations. As a result, buyers, influencers, and other guests receive BBFW designed and manufactured T-shirts and tote bags.

The director of BBFW, Albasarí Caro, explains: “This textile complement is one of the elements that make visible the social responsibility of our show”. Additionally, she said that it “relies on local suppliers such as Fundació Ared, whose activity has a very positive impact on the community”.

Likewise, this visibility will also reach the gala of the Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week Awards, awards that recognize excellence in different areas of bridal fashion.

More sustainable event

BBFW takes a leap towards sustainability from this edition on, mitigating the impact of its celebration on the environment. Therefore, it will use recycled carpeting; reuse materials and furniture from common areas or return them to the supplier so that they have a second life; reduce single-use plastic in the catering areas; reduce the consumption of printed paper, by digitizing processes; the merchandising will be sustainable textiles; and to avoid food waste will donate surplus food and drink to the NGO “Nutrició sense fronteras”.


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